Welcome to the Second International Workshop on Technical Debt Analytics
An open challenge in Technical Debt (TD) research is to translate TD threats into economic opportunities, so development teams can make a strong case to the business side to invest on paying off TD by increasing Technical Wealth (TW). For this, a comprehensive TD/TW theory (e.g., standardizing ambiguous terms into a consistent vocabulary) is needed to formalize and consolidate relationships between the costs of technical debt and benefits of technical wealth. We aim to gather practitioners and researchers working in this area, to share experiences, concur on terminologies and evaluation guidelines.
The workshop will offer a specialised arena in TD to address the following goals:
- Calibrating technical debt and technical wealth related terminologies and concepts that are used indistinctly and interchangeably in software engineering literature.
- Comparing, integrating, compiling and even reconciling empirical work on the effects of technical debt/technical wealth from economic and organisational perspectives.
A printable call for papers will be available soon. Thanks for helping us advertise the workshop!
Topics of Interest
We are interested in all topics that help address the goals of the workshop outlined above, including but not limited to:- frameworks/methodologies to compare/synthesize empirical studies on TD/TW;
- moderator factors for empirical studies on TD/TW;
- frameworks for comparing approaches and tools for TD detection and TW improvement;
- conceptual and technical differences between approaches for analyzing or managing TD/TW;
- cross-comparison of terminologies used in the body of knowledge on TD/TW;
- social debt-related factors (e.g., social or organisational shortcomings) affecting TD/TW.
Important Dates:
- Paper submission:
1 October 201715 October 2017 - Acceptance notification: 1 November 2017
- Camera-ready version: 7 November 2017
- Workshop: 4 December 2017
Submission guidelines
Participants are invited to submit a position paper of 2-4 pages or a 1 page abstract for a lightning talk on the workshop topics. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, and interest to the workshop participants. At least one author of each accepted paper has to register for the workshop. Paper submissions must be in English and conform to the IEEE Double Column format: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Papers are to be submitted electronically to the TDA EasyChair paper submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tda2017)
The workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR-WS , which is indexed by dblp.
Organizers- Amjed Tahir (Massey University, New Zealand)
- Yasutaka Kamei (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Aiko Yamashita (Oslo and Akershus University College and iKnow Solutions, Norway)
- Leon Moonen (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Program Committee
- Clemente Izurieta, Montana State University (US)
- Steve Counsell, Brunel University (UK)
- Tom Mens, University of Mons (Belgium)
- Shinpei Hayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
- Francesca Arcelli Fontana, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
- Peng Liang, Wuhan University (China)
- Sherlock Licorish, University of Otago (New Zealand)
- Fabio Palomba, Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)
- Yoshiki Higo, Osaka University (Japan)
- Emad Shihab, Concordia University (Canda)
- Antonio Martini, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
You can contact us for questions, commends and feedback at: tda-ws@googlegroups.com
Follow us on Twitter at @tda_ws
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